Sunlit Memories Blog

Everyday is a Sunlit Memory a forever keepsake of those special moments that take your breath away

Don’t Fence Me In


It is such a emotional statement when I hear “don’t fence me in”  it brings up visions of the beautiful farm land around Rainbow Farm and those fences.

My growth in the last few months and years has been enormous but still as we all do I doubt myself and look to others for acknowledgement and support , encouragement and wisdom.

Sometimes even the best intentions can be to your detriment though and can indeed be fencing you in .. Loved ones are just that family and friends that love you dearly and only want the best for you and sometimes think that the easy way is so much better than trying to slog it out to get to somewhere that may not be worth it in the end.

I know quite a few of my loved ones are baffled by my wanting to strike out on my own and build a business around something I love they acknowledge what I am doing but don’t give the “I will succeed”  vibe and really are projecting the “get a haircut and a real job”  vibe they are just worried for me and I get that but it can fence you in … these people are intelligent people and if they don’t think I can do it .. how can I ??

It is with all the growth that I have been doing that I now notice my thinking about things and how I am subconsciously kept back by the thoughts of others letting them dictate how high I will fly and keeping me with in that fenced area of worth.

So when the “Don’t Fence Me In”  Sunlit oracle card came out this morning  it really hit home and getting to look at this card all day got me focusing on not allowing others to keep me in that fence.

Here is the Card … see how it makes you feel .. are you in the fog hidden behind a fence?  That energy is building up and you need to burst out of that fenced in life to be who you truly are meant to be.

030 log on

The Description of this card is from the Sunlit Oracle Card Deck …

your sunlit memory today is bringing you DON’T FENCE ME IN there is a barrier a fence between you and the issue your fear is clouding your judgement . Step back and look at the problem from another angle see the love also watch that you are not holding back or being lead by the situation. The sun is shining on you and will light your way take the fear away and embrace the outside world don’t be fenced in.

If you are having trouble breaking out of that fence and need some guidance to find the beautiful soul with in you a great way to do it is to explore Leonie Dawson’s workbooks both life and business it is never too late to start finding yourself and who you are mean’t to be .. break out now and take a look at

the 2013 Incredible Year Life and Business Workbooks with Calendars

Once you know where you are going and are on the other side of that fence a great way to remind you of how far you have come and where you are going in

the coming year with healing energy which will give you more time to relax and take time out check out ..


If you would like to look over the rest of the sunlit oracle card set I have them uploaded HERE feel free to like and comment on your favourites.

Another solution is to have your very own piece of paradise in your own home and workplace if relaxing is something you need to work on BUY a copy of this image in a format that sings to you even if it’s just a greeting card you can carry around with you to remind you.



Now Remember …..

don't fence me in logon

Don’t let yourself be fenced in by well meaning practical friends and family and also don’t fence in anyone you know and love see it from their point of view be supportive and if you have to pick up the pieces afterwards but don’t crush the dreams of yourself or anyone else.  It can be done with confidence and faith .. so go do it.

You can HAVE this Beautiful Inspirational Image to bring the healing power of nature and LOVE into your home


Don’t forget to see more wonderful healing power of nature you should join the

Rainbow Farm Photography Facebook Page

and connect with myself and others that share the joy of nature.



Author: Coralie Plozza

Living on Rainbow Farm with my two beautiful children and fur babies Bonnie and Kruze in Busselton, Western Australia provides me with stunning sunrise and sunsets and the beauty of Australia's flora and fauna. I hope to bring just a little bit of inspiration, healing and lots of sunshine to your day.

14 thoughts on “Don’t Fence Me In

  1. Beautiful post Coralie. So true!

    I can safely say that I have managed to scale the fence and I am sitting on top with my wings spread out, deciding which way to fly.

  2. Hi Coralie, such a lovely written piece, and glad you have that confidence in yourself!!! I am in the process of spreading my wings, have started a webpage too and blog!!!

  3. What an intriguing deck. 😀 I really enjoyed this post.

    • So glad you found this post enjoyable and I must admit I am biased on my Sunlit Oracle Card Deck but I am really enjoying developing it and I will be keep the blog up to date with the progress of the publishing of the first deck 🙂

  4. You go for it Coralie – no one succeeds in being truly who they are by listening to others telling them to be something else based on their own fears & beliefs.

  5. I hope you’re familiar with the Cole Porter song “Don’t Fence Me In,” because it echoes a lot of what you say here, though in a slightly more humorous context. It’s so easy to get fenced in by other people’s comments and idea(l)s, and so hard to get out from behind those fences.

    • ha … I do vaguely remember the song didn’t even think about it when doing the post will have to go search it out and have a listen.
      It is easy to be fenced in and not even realise it letting others become more important in your life that you put aside your own dreams you have to get out from behind that fence eventually or you are no good to anyone 🙂

  6. What a beautiful card! I know that it sucks to not have others believe in you, big hugs! You can doooooo eeeeeet! That’s what I tell myself all the time! 😉

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